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Healing Snake Eyes Piercing: A Complete Guide for Quick Recovery

Prior to the opening of the horizontal tongue piercing, snake eyes piercing is estimated to be a bold and acute practice in body piercing. This consists of 2 piercings at the tongue tip and a horizontal barbell underneath the tongue. The ends of the jewelry stick out of the mouth just like the ‘eyes’ of the snake. Though the snake eye piercing is one of the most glamorous among piercing enthusiasts, it is infamously known to be difficult to heal.

For people looking into or have just obtained a snake eyes piercing, which is a kind of body modification, it is essential to learn the healing process, the aftercare, and the complications in order to achieve a successful healing process. Throughout this thorough article, we will do our best to address all common questions, including those like ‘How long does a snake eye piercing heal?’, ‘How can I make my snake eye piercing heal faster?’ and ‘How do I know if my snake eye tongue piercing is infected?’

What is a Snake Eyes Piercing?

Snake eyes piercing is a type of piercing which entails making an intracorporeal horizontal tongue piercing at the uvula such that an impression of two beads or ‘eyes’ on the right and the left of the tongue is created. It’s one of those body piercings that has to be aesthetic and causes a stares, but it is also not without some problems. Especially with this one, if the piercing is poorly done and with poor aftercare, the piercing can affect one’s speech, food intake, and to some extent the oral cavity.

Comparison of Snake Eyes and Frog Eyes Piercing

People often get mixed up and use the terms snake eyes’ and frog eyes’ piercing interchangeably. It is worth noting that snake eyes piercings are placed at the tip of the tongue horizontally while the frog eyeballs piercing which is also referred to as venom piercing consists of 2 vertical piercings placed horizontally away from the other. The outfalls of the piercings are fascinating indeed, but as it appears there is a big difference in the way these two heal and where they are positioned on the tongue.

Preliminary Healing of Snake Eyes piercing

How Long Ever Surgery Treatment For Snake Eye Piercing Wonderful?

Individually, the healing process for a snake eyes piercing can last different amounts but on average, it usually takes about 6 weeks to 9 weeks. For this period, it is important to remain strict with the treatment and refrain from anything that may cause irritation or infection of the punctured area. Though it is possible for the discomfort that will be experienced in the initial days to wit the first two weeks as that it eases for come on months later, and in normal practice aftercare is even undertaken until the healing of the piercing is fully done.

Snake Eyes Piercing Healing Stages

With any form of snake eyes piercing done, there is a general healing period to be followed within the properly defined timeframe. This can be categorized into three stages as explained below.

Stage 1: the First week or Second week

This stage is the normal body response. Some inflammation of the pierced site will occur, and pain in most cases will be felt. This is totally natural and is your body’s way of starting the healing process.

The tongue will be somewhat rigid and even eating or enunciating becomes problematic.

Stage 2: Mid-Healing (Weeks 3-6)

The recovery process will begin to be gradual in that the swelling will start reducing and the associated painful feelings will be less and less.

The tissue surrounding the piercing will begin to get a bit more solid but it is still advisable to avoid any irritating foods and activities.

Stage 3: Full Healing (Weeks 6-9)

At this time, most healing will have taken place but the piercing could still be tender. Some level of sensitivity may still be present, and it’s tough for most people to put on a necklace and hope all will be well. You can start considering changing your jewelry after the complete healing duration. If such is the case then it will be safe to assume that the piercer is fine, healthy and without any irritation.

How Can I Help Improve My Snake Eye Piercing Recovery Time?

Everyone intends to make sure that their respective piercing heals in the most recent time possible. Following are measures you can hence take in order to enhance the healing period, and at the same time reduce the risks.

Keep It Clean: A simple saline solution or sea salt soak can work wonders if done regularly. Mouthwash is often recommended, but only after every meal, in order to lessen the risk of unnecessary infections.

Do Not Touch The Piercing: Any jeweler is held responsible for the health of the wearer’s body – the skin. Harmless as they seem, monkeying pierces a mouth lip often has bacteria on it.

Eat Soft Foods: Take proper soft diet during the first two weeks so as not to cause inflammation – eg. Take yogurt, smoothies, and mashed potatoes.

Drink a Lot of Liquids: Take more toilets and drink a lot of water which will help in eliminating bacteria from the body.

Utilize Cold Packs: Those early stages of healing are the most uncomfortable and painful and ice packs to cool off the swollen, sore areas are necessary.

Do Not Smoke and Consume Alcohol: These activities will slow recovery and increase further likely infections.

By adhering to these recommendations and taking good care of yourself, you are likely to hasten the recovery period and avoid unnecessary risks.

Snake Eyes Piercing Aftercare Cleaning and Caring for this type of piercing is crucial to prevent any possible infection and heal faster. This is how you should clean your snake eyes piercing:

Saline Solution: After every meal and before going to bed, rinse the mouth out using saline solution or sea salt solution (1/4 teaspoon of sea salt in 8 Ounces of warm water for mouth rinsing). Gargle for half a minute and then spit it out.

Gently Brush Teeth: Brush your teeth with a soft-bristle toothbrush and avoid the piercing. This is to avoid the dentist hitting the piercing with the broom and still managing mouth cleanliness.

Mouthwash Without Alcohol: Alcohol can be harsh to the piercing and hinder thesession. Therefore use an antimicrobial mouthwash which has no alcohol.


Plunge Twice A Day: If a pouch does get in the way, it doesn’t matter, because all you have to do is reform the pouches twice a day, morning and night.

Do I have any Healing Concern for My Tongue Piercing?

 After Serving the customer, it is natural to be apprehensive about how your piercing is doing at any stage within the course of the healing process. Here are some signs that show your tongue piercing is healing as it should.

Less Swelling: Swelling is expected in the first weeks or even weeks two but of course some expectations as it comes down to almost normal than nothing.

Mild Discharge: A clear or light yellow discharge is normal. This is part of your body’s healing process. However, thick or colored (green or yellow) discharge could be a sign of an infection. Minimal Pain: Some discomfort is fine in the first few days; however, this should not extend to a point of extreme pain even after the initial period has passed. Based on the photo and timeline provided, if your piercing appears as if it is healing, then you are on the right path.

How Do I Know If My Snake Eye Tongue Piercing Is Infected?

 There is always the worry of infection with any piercing but particularly with the oral ones due to the high bacterial load. Sobering are notions that will help you determine whether your snake 

eye tongue piercing is infected

Prolonged Swelling and Redness: While some swelling is to be expected in the first few days, there is likely to be hyperemic swelling with redness and remains for a number of days.

Thick, Discolored Discharge: Pus like discharge with green or yellow color from a piercing wound spells trouble and a doctor’s attention is needed. 

Severe Pain and Throbbing: Any pain lasting more than 48 hours and increasing in severity is a possible sign of infection. 

Fever or Fatigue: Such generalized symptoms such as fever, chill or fatigue are also suggestive of presence of an infection that may need more serious intervention.

Snake Eyes Piercing Aftercare: Do’s and Don’ts

After a piercing, it is necessary to perform aftercare in order to avoid complications and accelerate the healing process. Here is a list of actions to implement and actions to avoid:


Clean Regularly: It is advisable to rinse your mouth with saline solution or use an alcohol free mouthwash every time after eating.

Eat Soft Foods: Acceptable foods include those which are easy to chew and do not irate the piercing. Examples include soups, yogurt, and mashed potatoes.

Stay Hydrated: Plenty of water also helps in eliminating unnecessary bacteria and maintaining other health conditions in the mouth.


Don’t Smoke: Smoking draws bacteria into the mouth which delays the healing process for example snake eyes piercing.

Avoid Alcohol and Spicy Foods: Sipping alcoholic drinks and taking in spicy foods aggravates the piercing and lengthens the time of healing.

Don’t Play with the Jewelry: Twisting or touching the jewelry will aggravate the piercing and heighten the probability of having an infection.

Dealing with Swelling and Pain

Swelling and discomfort are some of the common complaints of people who have had a snake eyes piercing, but which can be solved using a few simple techniques:

Cold Therapy: You may want to suck on some ice chips or use a cold compress to combat swelling. This is because a cold will numb the area and reduce inflammation.

Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers: Pain medication or any drugs can also be taken for swelling, for example anti-inflammatory drugs are used ibuprofen.

Stick to Soft Foods: Foods such as smoothies, yogurt and mashed potatoes are simple to eat and won’t irritate the piercing.

Snake Eyes Piercing Healing Complications

Compared to other piercings, the location of snake eye piercings causes them to have a higher risk of complications. Some of the things that may arise include:

Migration or Rejection: The body may replace or expel the pierced jewelry away from tissues of the body, which is referred to as relocating or rejecting the implant. This occurs often when there is too much strain to the piercing location or a lot of irritation is experienced.

Dental Damage: The decorative pieces can contact your teeth or gum tissues causing destruction such as gum recession and chipped teeth. If you observe this, indicate this to your piercer so that they can find a different piece to use.

Speech and Eating Problems: Due to the position of the piercing, there are chances of having problems with speech or eating, especially during the initial period of healing. Typically, these difficulties tend to resolve as one gets used to it, however, when issues are so extreme or last for an abnormally long time, then medical attention should be sought.

Frog Eyes Piercing vs. Snake Eyes Piercing: Key Differences

Both these piercings involve the tongue and many would say frog eyes piercing and snake eyes pierce are the products, under the skin they are completely different:

Position: Although frog eyes piercings have two vertical piercings placed further inside tongue and mainly eyebrow, snake eyes piercings are horizontal and attached towards the tip of the tongue.

Healing Process: It is observed that frog exposures swell somewhat less and heal somewhat more rapidly than snake exposures thereby limiting difficulties leading to undeniable speech & eating difficulties effects.

Risks: The aftercare for snake eyes piercings is more demanding than that of the frog eyes piercing due to the high possibility of anthropological problems such as migration and dental damage.

Dietary Adjustments During Healing

Eating well also contributes to good healing of your piercing. When one is healing from an injury, they should:

Avoid Spicy and Acidic Foods: Spicy and acidic foods such as hot pepper, lime juice, brown vinegar should be avoided since they would aggravate piercing more and delay its process of healing.

Eat Soft Foods: Most of the time especially for the first two weeks these should be sticky blood infections which would require soft more gentle axis trapeze oat porridge, yogurt, smoothies, and so on.

Stay Hydrated: Consuming enough quantity of water will assist to cleanse your mouth and enhance the healing process.

Lifestyle Modifications for a Speedier Recovery

It is a known fact that lifestyle habits can either speed up recovery or cause a delay in healing.

Below are a few things to keep in mind: Quite a number of people might find smoking and alcohol unbearable and would want to knock it off. However, such habits should be avoided as they will tend to hinder body recovery.

Do Not Take Alcohol or Smoke: Smoking or excess consumption of alcohol increase one’s chances of healing slowly and also the chances of infections are increased.

Try to restrict tongue exercises especially in the early periods to avoid aggravating the piercing.

Good oral hygiene must also be observed: Wash your mouth clean, but do not irritate the piercing by brushing not aggressively and alcohol free mouthwash is recommended.

Changing the jewelry, when is the right time?

As much as the need or a desire to change one’s jewelry can arise, it is appropriate to do so after the piercing is fully healed. It is normally proposed to observe the healing process for a period not less than six-leaning on nine weeks crystalline and coarcted with spacers. Evidences include:

There is no Swelling or Redness in the Area: There is a complete healing of the area with not blue, yellow, or red, signs of irritation to be seen or felt.

No discomfort: Attach or put any jewelry to any piercing if it feels sore or tender.


More than anything for the snake eyes piercing is healing; patience and well-done aftercare are preferable, and a slight change in your regimen is for good. When you get the piercing and until it is healed up, it is very important to brush the mouth, to eat the appropriate food and to quit vices which include smoking.

With the help of this guide, by consciously using your understanding of your body, your chances of fast and adequate healing will be high. Please bear in mind that snake eyes piercings are very beautiful, unique, and undoubtedly trendy, but they pose a lot of possibility for other complications which means that due observation must be exercised, and if any incision or discomfort is experienced, prompt medical advice sought for. After some time to heal and take care of your piercing, you will have no problem with it and enjoy having it for years.

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