In recent years, face yoga has become an emerging concept as a non-surgical method of treating the early signs of aging and obtaining a beautiful face with a firm chin. Derived from the elements of classical yoga, acupressure, and manual lymphatic drainage, this ageless procedure hits the tangled maze of…
The Ultimate Guide to Yoga for Beginners
This article will focus on providing an introduction to yoga for people who are new to this exercise regime. Yoga is a mental, spiritual and physical discipline which originated from India more than 2,000 years ago. Before you begin a yoga practice, it is important to know the definition of…
How to Choose the Right Shoes for Yoga
Introduction Yoga is a very popular form of physical fitness activity in the present day and is even practiced by more than 30 million people in America only. However, it is essential that they do it without shoes because it is easier to gain better grip and alignment when doing…