
Ultimate Guide to a Health Effective Stress Management Techniques


Chronic stress, acute stress, stress of varying and withstand different degrees can be observed in the overwhelming majority of individuals. This is a true statement which states that stress can even be experienced in a positive life change or even a positive event. Although some amount of stress is useful to get spurred and be on track, stress that is constant and extreme impacts the mind and the body. That is why it is necessary to learn how not to get stressed and what stress relief activities one should employ.

 This article lists simple stress management strategies to consider using based on some of the highlighted studies.

What is Stress?

Stress is the body’s response to any particular pressure or tasking as well as to other situations categorized as psychosocial stressors. When we feel threatened, whether by a real danger or an imagined one, our bodies become prepared for a faster and more intense response known as the fight or flight response. This release of hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline etc results in physical changes to make the body ready for a fight or to flee. Pulse rate increases = systolic blood pressure increases. Breathing quickens. Muscles tense.

As this response assisted our forefathers to act in a fast manner as a response to severe dangers it continues to stay active at low intensity in contemporary civilization. 

This can break almost all body processes, and deteriorate health.

Stress management, also called stress reduction, are measures and ways that one can practice to reduce the impacts of stress. Stress management prevents this cycle and preserves health and happiness in an environment plagued by constant stress response.

Causes of Stress

Coping with stress begins with the understanding of what factors are most burdensome to you. Almost anything can lead to stress, including anything that is considered positive. Common stressors include:

  • Examples include ; job insecurity, working conditions, tasks demands and office politics.
  • Money problems
  • Happiness: This includes situations that are pleasant and may include such things as marriage or a new job and the other hand holds the vice versa of these like loss of job or divorce.
  • Burial of a loved one
  • Divorce
  • Falling ill and being diagnosed with your own or a loved one’s critical disease
  • Traumatic events
  • Things to do list is very long and it is more than a long shot to have sufficient time to accomplish all of them.

Stress is best described as the extent of force with which different aspects of life are felt in relation to a given individual.

 To my mind, the most valuable piece of advice is to identify those points that affect you individually.

Effects of Unmanaged Stress

Failure to manage stress can affect almost all body systems and almost every bodily process. Stress contributes to the development or worsening of:Stress is a causal factor of the following:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Sleep problems
  • Obesity
  • Skin conditions
  • Pain
  • Accelerated aging
  • Gastrointestinal issues
  • Headaches
  • Muscle tension

Lastly, chronic stress has a negative effect on the immune system, thus causing you to fall sick more often with flu or any infection. It can cause impotence and other sexual disorders such as reduced sexual desire and fertility.

Of course, managing stress is important, and it is easy to realize that it must be done. Fortunately, there are numerous effective and evidenced practices based stress management strategies available to use.

Daily stressors and the things we do to cope with them.

You can help manage stress by adopting healthy habits and using science-backed stress reduction techniques like:There are methods to help manage stress through healthy habits and other stress-reduction approaches that have been proven through research:


Exercise to reduce stress may sound clichéd but it can be said that physical activity is perhaps one of the best managed stress relieving measures that many people overlook. All types of exercise, from moderate to vigorous, can help:Even aerobic exercises, ranging from mild to intense, can be of benefit:

  • Reduce stress levels and regulate the mood in general
  • Boost feel-good endorphins
  • Improve sleep
  • Increase energy
  • Increase self-confidence and effect body image
  • Helps with distracting from things to worry about

To reap the most stress and mood booster impacts, people should spend between 30- 60 minutes every day engaging in cardiovascular exercises besides involving in 2- 3 sessions of strength exercise. Ideally, all exercise should be done outside, for instance, walking, jogging or even hiking.

Relaxation Techniques

These are methods that are employed to elicit the relaxation response and are often the antonym of the stress response. Implementing the practice takes only 10 to 20 minutes per day which can result in improved stress level. Options include:

Deep Breathing

Two examples are: Deep breathing and breathing techniques that involve the use of slow and long breaths is another way of decreasing stress hormones as it gives the body a signal that all is well.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

This entails contracting and relaxing muscles in a prearranged manner, as a way of identifying tense muscles.

Guided Imagery

Also referred to as imaging, you create with your mind some beautiful and quiet scenes in simple and vivid details.


Meditation in general and mindfulness meditation as a specific type of practice that directs attention to the present moment in a non-critical way, combats stress.


Yoga has a positive impact as it mildly exercises the muscles and warms up the joints while calming the mind.

Getting a Massage

One can conclude that the positive effect of touch decreases the levels of stress hormones in the body.

Spending Time in Nature

Staying in touch with nature, being unavailable to the devices and loud noises is a stress-relieving activity.

Listen to Relaxing Music

Natural sounds or music with slow tempo elicits relaxation response out of the body.

Time Management

One of the most typical causes of stress is the failure to manage time effectively. Have any of these sounded familiar to you?

  • Always running late
  • The problem of overload or as it is otherwise referred to as, does arise when an individual takes up too many commitments.
  • Rushing through tasks
  • Multitasking
  • Difficulty saying no

Author stated that chronic disorganization leads to activity clutter; frustration. The solution is to improve time management skills using strategies like:The solution is to improve time management skills using strategies like:

  • Make sure to have an agenda with all the appointments and the tasks that should be accomplished.
  • They can be planned for the day, for a week, or even for the week following the exam.
  • This means that, when faced with a list of duties, you should focus on attending to the most crucial tasks.
  • Group similar activities as this will help in carrying them more efficiently.
  • In order, try to take things slow and do not attempt to handle so many tasks at once.
  • Ensure that one or two working hours are created as buffers in every working hour schedule.
  • This will allow the user to set reminders for tasks that are due and appointments that are scheduled.
  • Many people do not know how to refuse additional work that is not very critical for the overall picture.

Healthy Lifestyle Habits

However, there are ways of managing stress, which makes their impact less severe, and other ways of leading a healthy lifestyle counteracts the effects of stress. Important habits include:

  • Aim at taking 7 to 9 hours of good quality sleep during the night hours
  • Consuming the correct type of food normally known as the whole foods diet
  • Staying well hydrated
  • Avoiding excess alcohol
  • Not smoking
  • Getting organized
  • Having fun and laughing are usual to people and are a part of their daily activities.
  • Scheduling recreation and leisure


It is also possible to find supplements that can help with cortisol levels and moods, as well as with stress response. These include fish oil, vitamin C, D, magnesium, and adaptogenic herbs such as Rhodiola, Ashwagandha, Ginseng, and lemon balm. Nevertheless, it should be noted that supplements should not be used as a substitute for tried-and-tested stress busters. It is always important to consult with your doctor before introduction of any new supplement especially for those people with medication intake.

Social Support Network

However, the aspects of interpersonal communications cannot be overemphasized as they have implications for people’s well-being or unhappiness. Invest time in building up the trust and healthy relationship with your spouse, partner, family members, and close friends by being honest with each other, spending quality time together and making each other laugh, hug, and be accountable for each other. Stress-reduction from social support networks consists of reducing blood pressure, heart rate, and stress hormones to normal levels.

Employment and participation in volunteering can also give stress relieving and fulfilling experiences as well as searching for groups and organizations such as religious groups and clubs based on the hobbies.

Professional Help

If the aforementioned general changes in lifestyle and stress management measures do not help to alleviate severe and chronic stress, or anxiety, it is advisable to seek medical attention or that of a mental health professional. The section shows that long-term stress, if not effectively managed, can cause or exacerbate anxiety and depression.

Your provider may suggest you to go for treatment, or even prescribe certain types of psychotherapy such as cognitive behavioral therapy, join some support groups or prescribe some medications if needed to help you to get back on track.

Stress Journaling

When it comes to writing, this has a positive impact since it evokes the left-hand side of the brain, which is most associated with logical thinking and therefore helps the person to reason calmly. It aids in the vexing that enables the feelings to be let out. In the long-term journaling also aids in the identification of triggers and favorable patterns and structures to focus on. Some of the applications such as Moodfit offer suggested prompts for the journals.


Indeed stress is real and laughter as many have said is really the best medicine. Laughter therapy and laughter yoga also alleviate the effects of stress hormones, uplift moods and effectively combat the consequences of chronic stress. These arise from what can be termed ‘voluntary’ laughter – that from a funny joke, a good comedy movie, childlike fellows and games, comical scenes, and events among others.

Work-Life Balance

In surveys, chronic work-related stress was found to be the primary reason for the day’s results. Long hours, carrying out heavy tasks, insecurity at the workplace, little or no influence over the workplace environment, politics, and clashes with co-workers or superiors do accumulate in the long-run. If your place of work is the primary source of stress, then you should evaluate the factors that you can change which includes practicing ways of effective time management, managing stress and appropriate communication.

Also acknowledge parts that need boundaries and prior confrontation to superiors. SEVERAL TIMES, it is more appropriate to make a switch to a different job, or even a different line of work just to be able to get a balance between work and other facets of life.

Let Go Of Perfectionism

Performance is the result of perfectionism motivates some to work hard but the excessive pressure inflicted on oneself causes anxiety and chronic stress. Acceptance of oneself and learning to be more compassionate in that aspect decreases cortisol and helps fight demoralization.

As for the interference, it is revealed that addressing irrational perfectionistic thoughts by providing reality checks can be useful in reattribution of thoughts. For instance, recognize tasks simply require that they are accomplished, and nothing is completely flawless. Settle for quality that is satisfactory rather than striving for the highest quality.

Another way to look at the matter is to ask yourself how much of the issue will still matter one week or one year from now. Finally, try to minimize your concerns over events beyond your control, or affairs that are really irrelevant.

Positive Self-Talk

Most stress originated from negative thinking and worst-case scenarios that are apparent in anxiety and depression. Among the strategies, there is identifying the automatic thoughts and cognitive restructuring that implies disputing the negative messages and replacing them with more realistic and positive ones. Although not always easy to achieve, it can significantly transform the perception of stress, mood, and symptoms.


It also means that sometimes ‘the healthiest’ self-talk includes acceptance of things that are beyond one’s control. The cortisol level increases when one contemplates on clouds, woulds, and shoulds. Emphasize recognizing situations and then just continue, redirecting efforts keeping energy on what is in your power.

Two of stress management techniques cited are Self-Generated Stress Relief and Self-Imposed Pressure Reduction.

Changing the serenity prayer to apply to anyone regardless of faith captures the essence of acceptance:Bearing this in mind, it can be seen that the alteration of the serenity prayer to read ‘God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference, for everyone’ taps into this sense of acceptance.

Lord, I do not ask for difficult things; simply let me accept what I cannot change, let me change what I can change and the wisdom to know that they are different.’

Stress Management Starts Now

Do not let stress get to a point where one is unable to move a limb. Begin practicing methods to manage stress and introduce healthy habits and practices to one’s life starting today, while prioritizing different approaches to determine the effective ones. Stress is very demanding but one which once conquered brings immeasurable returns in every sector of life. Engage your doctor for the purpose of supervision, problem solving on the common hitches that are likely to slow your progress and to check whether you are on the right track to a healthier lifestyle.

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